Hello everyone, today I will talk about famine, this is a social problem that conforms to the law of the funnel where, as in a funnel, there are countries with a lot of food and others with little, and even in the same countries there are sectors with a lot of food and others not. This is a very important problem that also goes hand in hand with other problems such as poverty and health. The latest data indicates that the number of hungry people in the world continues to increase, reaching 821 million in 2017, that is, at least one in nine people. Limited progress is also being made against the multiple forms of malnutrition, ranging from stunted childhood to adult obesity, threatening the health of hundreds of millions of people. This problem encompasses many things since it is related to the food system we have, which is not sustainable, and by not being able to get good food to get everywhere, this causes famine, this also causes diseases and malnutrition, I think it is A very p...