My rest

Today I am going to tell a little about my day to day and what makes me happy in this time of quarantine, I am a student, I study most of my time, also my mother works all day so I take care of some task of the home such as cleaning, washing clothes,etc. Except cooking because my grandmother does it. University is very stressful, both because of homework or if you don´t understand something, so after studying and occupying my mind for the day I find my rest in something wonderful called video games, this is for me the most enjoyable activity. There are so many video games that you can enjoy it depends on how you feel, if you want to play something to pass the time, or if you want to play a story or an open world game, etc. 

Currently I have been playing 2 games mainly, the first is to follow a story but it also has a free map, it is a very good game where you can lose a lot of time because there is always something to do and you can play with up to 4 characters at the same time, it is a game that came out recently but is already very popular its name is Genshin Impact. The second is a game that has been around for a while but is always played, also now they have updated it and there are many new things, this is the type that you play fast games and several times in a row, it has many characters to choose from and it is very fun , Although unfortunately if you start playing it is difficult to quit, also you may come out more angry and stressed than at the beginning, it is a shit game but I still like to play it, this is League of Legend.

To finish, I just want to say that this is the way I release stress and the most appropriate for me, but others may do it differently and that is fine too.


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