My choice

I think my profession is important in the health of people but also is a little bit corrupt, or best say the pharmacists take advantage of the power that we have. I know that some drugs require a lot of resources to manufacture and that is why they are very expensive, but others are also easy to make and are just as expensive. This is a point of my profession that I do not like, however, not everything is bad, because we can help many people with that we do. Besides, I like that new things are always being researched to create new more effective and less harmful drugs.

The benefits of my profession, for me, are that I can inform people about the medicines they can use in each case, also I can help people while working on something that like me, this is one reason why I chose my profession, it is also well paid. I really have expectations about my profession because I am risking my future that this goes well and I don't know what I will do if this goes wrong.


  1. The problem not be the pharmaceutical, the price of drugs doesnot depend on them.

  2. I would say that almost all institutions are corrupt in one way or another, and it's terrible

  3. don't worry, I'm sure your efforts will pay off :)

  4. It's clear that you like what you do, I'm sure you will achieve whatever goal you set


  5. the pharmaceutical industries are the problem :(((((((((((((((

  6. more pharmacists with your vision are needd to achieve the changes in this country!

  7. I hope one day end the corruption of pharmacies but beyond the professional it is a business issue

  8. I completely agree with you, the pharmaceutical industry is very corruption


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